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Hualida 2021 annual work summary and appraisal meeting

Have already visited 190301/08/2022  

On the afternoon of January 8, the 2021 annual work commendation summary meeting of Hualida Group was held in the Party and Mass Training Room of the Industrial Park. Due to the impact of the epidemic prevention and control situation, this summary and commendation meeting was held in video form. In addition to the main venue, there were 9 branch venues for Yiling, Changrui, Jack, Jada and overseas. The main leaders from various factories and other award-winning personnel watched the main venue activities through video.

At the commendation meeting, the General Manager Mr. Zhang summed up the work carried out by the whole group in 2021, and proposed new actions in 2022 and on the way to the new exam in the future. Advanced representatives from each factory were awarded respectively.

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